
Joy Infused explores life as a journey, rather than as a destination.

Joy Infused was founded by Stephanie as a way to explore what it takes to create a joy-filled life.  She dabbles in family nutrition, holistic health, joyful relationship habits, connection parenting, life coaching, and spiritual development.

We touch on many topics, including (but not limited to!):

* Holistic Health * Wellness * Self Care * Spirituality * Parenting
* Travel * Green Living * DIY Projects * Education/Homeschooling
* Naturopathic Lifestyle * Nutrition/Healthy Eating * Inspiration

Stephanie welcomes you to join her in  “Purposefully living in the moment to have a Joy-Infused life & walking the path to become a human BEing instead of a human DOing!”

Delve into our pages and blog entries, and we’re sure you’ll find something that brings joy to your heart!

Joyful Blessings!
Stephanie Wolfe,
Founder of the Joy Infused universe!
Facebook: Joy Infused
